About me

About me

Who I am, what I stand for, what I do, what I hold on to, everything about myself, my work, my spirit and my music.

Who I am ?!

I'm a singer, songwriter, and music producer.

I write, compose, and produce my songs.

I also write the scripts for my music videos myself and co-direct them.

Every sound in my songs and every image in my music videos comes from deep within my heart.

I tell my life story and aim to address important topics that resonate with every person in this world. I don't want to dwell on the negativity of the world but rather to guide people towards positive thinking with humor and lightness. I want to empower them and foster confidence, urging them never to allow themselves to be oppressed. I'm not a serious person, and I aim to convey this in a positive and enjoyable manner.

I will do everything I can to ensure that my message is heard and seen by as many people as possible, especially during this difficult time of crisis. My goal is to help as many people as possible overcome their lows, depressions, panic attacks, etc., even when they're feeling down. I believe I have the ultimate solution for all people!

Favorite Man

The video is structured like a comedy sketch, yet it carries an important message: we should love each other at any age, not take life too seriously, and laugh a lot more. Above all, we should never let ourselves be persuaded otherwise.
In the video, I address normal everyday moments that we all experience, from eating breakfast in the morning to unwinding before bed. We know best how to feel good, so we should live and cherish these moments much more consciously.
If I can make just one person laugh with my sense of humor, that's a huge gift for me.


With my single "OVERLOVE," I aim to draw attention to the topic of "Love Bombing." We're familiar with it from the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel." You're lured into the gingerbread house by a kind lady with sweets, only to be trapped, losing your greatest gift—freedom!
Psychological manipulation and emotional abuse are wounds that may not be visible but can cause deep inner turmoil.
Never allow anyone else to dictate your freedom and happiness.
You are important!

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